Saturday, May 7, 2011

fashion show!

last season our station store hosted a fashion show and it was such a huge success that they decided to run another one this season. the theme was mcmurdo's next top model. we had a plethora of talented models, but only one could win! our esteemed panel of judges couldnt decide amongst the final 6 so there was a huge fight and none of the finalists survived. theres always next year! my favorite thing was our gift bags. we were given a model sized snack (3 cheesy poofs), a box of special K, an expired disposable camera, handmade designer aluminum foil bling and a voucher for free airfare (it reads: FREE AIRFARE gift certificate, good for 1 (one). one way only, ross island to new zealand. transportation provided by airline of sponsor's choice, on date of sponsor's choice. may or may not include business-class service. expires when the USAP wants it to. no cash value.)

enter darkness

slowly we lost around 20 minutes of sun a day until april 24th when the fun finally set. we took a trip to castle rock in a nodewell to view the final rise. the sun wont rise again until august. bring on the T3!

More Penguins!