i got introduced to my new job (general assistant in the vehicle maintenance facility aka the heavy shop). the other GA that i work with, chris, is pretty cool and was very patient when showing me how to do everything. the mechanics we all cordial, which threw me off because i was expecting to get hazed. i think it helped a bit that i know two of the mechanics and a supply person... oh and the fact that i am full of awesome!
anywho, only after a couple of days it was new years eve and i attended a hut 10 party that my friend from black island threw. the food was a*maz*ing! i stuffed my face, drank a little wine and then went to Icestock to hear some good old antarctic music. I ran into everybody i knew, danced, drank my face off and then....
well i dont remember the rest, but apparently i had fun and thats what matters. not the puking for 4 hours part. nope, not at all. ;-)
i also went for a hike with sheryl and brenda on the ob hill loop. it was rather windy and i hadnt yet acclimated, so it was a bit nipply, but rather fun and we got to see some seals. of course, right when we got back to town i realized i hadnt attended an outdoor safety lecture and therefore my hike was illegal! oops!
Icestock looks like a BLAST!! Glad you're having fun! Beautiful pics, can't wait for more!!
Oh great the only way to get back is to be kicked off the ice or fired?? And here you are going on illegal hikes..................Whatever are you thinking! LOL
Have fun & keep us updated!
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